Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Maxbizz is a values-driven consulting agency dedicated.




411 University St, Seattle


It is obvious that every accounting firm now requires a robust business development team because more than 70% of accounting firms are under pressure to gain new clients and a third of current clients actively attempt to move to a rival. Sunpact provides its clients with the option to hire trained professionals for remote offshore Business Development Executive positions. We can also provide a team of experts in digital marketing and other colleagues to work towards growth while also reducing administrative costs by up to 70%.

We constantly do a thorough scientific screening of the applicants and provide the top talent in the business as needed.

Our Business Development Executive Will Be Responsible For Winning New Clients For Our Clients In Their Respective Industry.

  • Help to define Sales & marketing strategy
  • Manage leads through website forms, email, and phone calls
  • Ideation of new campaigns and follow up with digital team.
  • End-to-end sales process from lead qualification
  • Client communication & Follow ups.
  • Client feedbacks and expectation management.
  • Smooth onboarding of new clients.